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Limited Time Specials:
10% off any touchless products w/installation*
Get 10% off on any touchless products with installation,
*excluding soap dispensers.
We have various products and styles that have touchless functions, such as faucets for your kitchen or bathrooms, kits to convert current touchless faucets to voice activated, toilet flushing kits, and hand soap dispensers to help keep your home germ free during the pandemic and afterwards.
This offer expires September 30, 2024
$50 off ANY* Faucet w/installation
We carry only the best professional quality products.
Get $50 off on any faucet with installation. We have hundreds on display. Come find the right one for your needs. Whether you’re looking for kitchen, bathroom, utility room, or bar sink faucets, we’ve got you covered.
*excludes clearance priced items.
This offer expires September 30, 2024
$50 off Drain Cleaning
Small & large drains included.
This offer expires September 30, 2024
*10% off any product purchase in Showroom
*10% off any product purchase from our showroom with installation.
Must Mention special and coupon code below when purchasing in our showroom or scheduling. Up to $200 value.
$110 off any water heater with installation
$110 off any water softener or whole house filtration system with installation
$43 off any service over $350.00. Excludes drain cleaning.
Not valid with other offers. All above offers expire on September 30, 2024, unless otherwise noted on coupon. Must mention “Web Offer – CODE 500100” at time of purchase or booking to receive discount.
Your referrals are the best compliment you can give us. Share our coupons with your friends and family who are not our current customers and to show our appreciation, if they are a new customer, we will send you $25.00, once we have completed their job.
Have them fill in our coupon, or simply give us your information, code 500100 and tell us you referred them so we can mail you a check.