Check Your Sillcocks aka Outside Faucets
It’s that time of year again. We go out and turn on our outside faucets. It’s highly recommended that you test the sillcock, commonly referred to as the outside faucet. You could easily have a leak in your pipe and not know it until you end up with damage to your walls and flooring. This can be a very expensive repair, and the testing is FREE.
The easiest way to test it is to put a spray nozzle turned to the off position on your hose attached to the sillcock, then turn the water on and listen for the water to run inside your basement or inside your house near where the sillcock is. The water flow should run momentarily and then stop. If you continue to hear the water running, you could have a leak. Or, if you see that it is dripping on the outside of your house, you might want to get it repaired or replaced to not only save water but also to insure that it doesn’t run into the inside of your walls of your house, which you might not notice until it’s a real flood.